TabanyaRuu Dogs

TabanyaRuu Dogs
The 'Gang'

Friday 22 January 2010

Ok, the video in my last entry now seems to be working BUT it's as black as night....... excellent...

These are the latest pics, Zinty taking it easy whilst the 'The Three 'Games'' feed and a close up of Scrabble, Puzzle & Cluedo in that order!

Zinty's pups are one week old today and are celebrating with ...... milk. Good for them. I'm celebrating with Stella Artois (well it is Friday).

The puppies are eating like little piggies and gaining at least 20g each per day. To see their weights please check out my website where details such as this are recorded each week.

I've got their eye tests booked for six weeks time so until then, I've got an important role to play in checking out their 'cuddle factorness' (I may have just made that word up....). I mean, you wouldn't want to take home a puppy that hadn't been thoroughly tested in that department would you? It's an important job and it's got my name on it. In a few week's time it will have all my visitors names on it as well:)

So, let's see how they compare to my mobile phone after three days of scoffing:

Puzzle (or it could be Scrabble....) at four days old. On the right, Puzzle (definitely!) at one week old.

Cluedo four days old. Cluedo one week old.

Scrabble (ok, it could be Puzzle.....) 4 days old. Scrabble (definitely!) one week old.

Tomorrow I get to meet up with Wheeto and Tiko again and I can't wait! I shall have my camera at the ready!

1 comment:

  1. Words and pictures are all over the place {sigh} I will eventually get the hang of this! Liz
