TabanyaRuu Dogs

TabanyaRuu Dogs
The 'Gang'

Sunday 24 January 2010


Pictured left, Wheeto in the pub, aged 11.5 weeks.

Yesterday was a fun day as I had the pleasure of Wheeto's company and later in the day, Tiko's (oh and owners of course!). Wheeto was a very good boy in the pub whilst Rell and I had lunch with Laura and Michael. I was allowed to hold his lead and have him sit next to me - I felt like a very proud Grandma (isn't that sad, crikey I am getting old!). I felt even older when I referred to dog training the Barbara Woodhouse Way and got faced by completely blank looks. I just dug myself further when I said 'you know, old lady, glasses, skirt, "siittttt"' ..... I swear I saw the tumbleweeds rolling along the floor. Bloody whipper snappers.

Kisses from Wheeto or jacket potato on my chin??

Anyway, Tiko came round in the afternoon with Pam and Rebecca and my kitchen became the local Village Hall as Pam (who is also a dog trainer but not a whiff of Barbara Woodhouse about her) took to the floor and gave instruction with the help of Barney the invisible dog (yes honestly..... dog training really has moved on that far!). I provided tea and biscuits and nodded sagely as though I'd forgotten more than Pam will ever know about dog training......

Here are some pics of the handsome pair:)

Friday 22 January 2010

Ok, the video in my last entry now seems to be working BUT it's as black as night....... excellent...

These are the latest pics, Zinty taking it easy whilst the 'The Three 'Games'' feed and a close up of Scrabble, Puzzle & Cluedo in that order!

Zinty's pups are one week old today and are celebrating with ...... milk. Good for them. I'm celebrating with Stella Artois (well it is Friday).

The puppies are eating like little piggies and gaining at least 20g each per day. To see their weights please check out my website where details such as this are recorded each week.

I've got their eye tests booked for six weeks time so until then, I've got an important role to play in checking out their 'cuddle factorness' (I may have just made that word up....). I mean, you wouldn't want to take home a puppy that hadn't been thoroughly tested in that department would you? It's an important job and it's got my name on it. In a few week's time it will have all my visitors names on it as well:)

So, let's see how they compare to my mobile phone after three days of scoffing:

Puzzle (or it could be Scrabble....) at four days old. On the right, Puzzle (definitely!) at one week old.

Cluedo four days old. Cluedo one week old.

Scrabble (ok, it could be Puzzle.....) 4 days old. Scrabble (definitely!) one week old.

Tomorrow I get to meet up with Wheeto and Tiko again and I can't wait! I shall have my camera at the ready!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Ooops no video

Hmmmm, what happened there I wonder.... one second it was there.... and the next.... I'm not very good with interwebby wotsits, so perhaps I did something wrong. I will have to have another go at posting a video some other time. In the meantime here's another pic.. this time of Lapphund puppies, Peppi's to be precise.

This is TabanyaRuu Valio (Tiko) and TabanyaRuu 'Anakin' have a lovely time playing in the snow at around 6.5 weeks of age.

Welcome to my crazy world of dogs .......

Zinty with her babies the day they were born.

I am a bit obsessed with my dogs and my family think I'm rather mad, but if you're here reading this, then perhaps you're a bit mad too...... so since this was set up to talk about all the furries in my life (and perhaps yours too if you own a TabanyaRuu Dog), I shall begin! I hope to keep this blog up to date with plenty of entries and lots of pics in the vain hope of keeping it interesting.....

The big news this week was the birth of Zinty's babies on Friday January 15th 2010 - two dogs and a bitch, Puzzle, Scrabble and Cluedo (Carelle named them of course, that's her job!). Mum and babies are doing fine. In fact Zinty had them like shelling peas, all three delivered in 30 minutes, she certainly didn't hang around! All appear black at this stage but this could change.....

Here is some video of Zinty and puppies within a few hours of being born. And below is a pic of Cluedo, Scrabble and Cluedo at 11 hours old.

This is Puzzle, the little girl at three days old.

It is so difficult to tell them apart (I do honestly know how to tell apart dogs from bitches!) but when they are all lined up at the milky bar and all you can see is their fat bellies and tails, it's impossible! I did use coloured collars for a few hours, but what a fiddle they were to get on and once on they were stuck firmly to the puppies fur, oops! Cluedo makes life slightly easier by obligingly having white toes on his left paw - the paw he conveniently hides whilst he eats ......

Well that's probably enough excitement for one blog entry - I do hope you're still awake?:) I hope to bring updates on Peppi's gorgeous puppies born last November, very soon!