TabanyaRuu Dogs

TabanyaRuu Dogs
The 'Gang'

Thursday 4 February 2010

Puppies, Pics and Posting Problems......

It's been a while..... already I'm making excuses for not updating my blog but HONESTLY, I've been busy..... I've also had photo and computer problems which have prevented me from uploading pics - memory card full, hard drive on laptop full, hard drive on desktop full, ARGH!

Since I last wrote I have met up with more of Peppi's puppies - last weekend Wheeto and Anakin took us to the pub for lunch at The Spotted Cow. They do love their socialising these boys! It was nice for Laura and Faye to compare notes and disentangle leads whilst the boys bundled. I was the first to pipe up and ask for a doggy bag so my furry lot got roast beef and veg leftovers for supper, bad luck Anakin and Wheeto, hee hee. I also met up with Fiia and Tiko at ringcraft and Fiia had her first sleepover at my house - again, pics to follow. Fiia and Tiko also went to the 20/20 clinic to have bloods drawn for Optigen testing to ascertain their PRA status...... I won't mention which dog made the most fuss because I promised him I wouldn't......

Until I manage to upload my pics, here are some that have been sent to me from owners.

Here is Kaija looking very fluffy and sweet at twelve weeks. Thanks Claire for sending it to me!:) And here is handsome Anakin at same age, courtesy of Faye and Stephen:) He looks like a little pickle doesn't he!

Zinty's pups are growing like weeds and are now walking (Ok, stumbling) and starting to play a bit and make cute noises and are a fluffy and well, I could go on. Suffice to say they are CUTE!:)

I have managed to upload a few pics of them, so here's a taster and hopefully more pics of all my furry youngsters to follow over the next few days.

Cluedo pictured above. I can't get the hang of this bloggy thingy, why now is the writing in blue and underlined and how do I stop it??

Scrabble with a wet face as he's just had a wash from Mummy! Or he pulled too hard on the milky bar taps, either is possible! The blue type has gone and I didn't do a thing... weird.

Puzzle on the

Tomorrow the pups will be three weeks old, so it will be time to take pics of them next to my mobile phone. I've since got a Crackberry so it's going to be a question of first finding my old phone......

Hopefully I can get my memory sorted....... wise cracks please .....

Back very soon!!


  1. The text is blue and underlined because it's a hyperlink - click it and it opens the picture up - to stop it happening;

    1 - delete text
    2 - press enter
    3 - retype text

  2. Thank you! But that's really good that it opens into a bigger pic! So how do I do it for all the pics?

  3. You could try:

    "To see this picture full size just click it"
